Eluru: Housing and Information & Public Relations Minister Kolusu Parthasarathy said that a well-equipped mango market yard will be completed by connecting it to the Agriculture Marketing Yard before the next mango season.
He convened a review meeting with the traders and marketing staff at Nuzvid market yard on Thursday. Along with marketing deputy executive engineer Malleswara Rao, he discussed the plan of action and verified the cost estimates pertaining to the yard. He said that the estimated cost of mango market yard will be around Rs 18 crore.
The marketing yard comprises two sheds and 70 shops for the facilities of the mango farmers, roads, sheds and all necessary infrastructure for the marketing of Nuzvid mangoes.
As Nuzvid mangoes have a good reputation at the national and international level, the market yard will pave the way for the economic growth of the farmers. It will also generate employment opportunities and labour will get a chance to work.
The income of Nuzvid town will increase and it will move forward in the development process. He promised that the place will be allotted for the parking of the farmers’ vehicles.
Marketing secretary U Mahalakshmi, trader Srinivasa Reddy and others participated in the programme.