Gariaband. The district police has arrested the ganja smuggler. In fact, under the guidance of Additional Superintendent of Police Chandresh Singh Thakur and SDOP Pushpendra Nayak, a black Super Splendor no. It was coming towards us at a high speed, which was tried to stop.
But that did not stop the motor cycle driver who was caught under siege, who told his name as Basant father Bundawan Patel age 23 years Sakin Lathur police station Lathur district Balangir Orissa and when he was found to be carrying a substance like cannabis in the back of his motor cycle Duly searched the black colored backseat bag kept in the accused and the motor cycle. During the search, on opening the back bag, the intoxicating substance Ganja was found inside it. On the spot, a total of 8.200 Kg worth Rs 80,000/- and one motor cycle were seized from the possession of the accused. In the said action, under the leadership of Inspector Bhola Singh, head constable Vijay Mishra, Dhanush Nishad constables Arun Komra, Awadh Patel, Tikeshwar Yadav, Arvind Jatwar and special team’s head constables Angad Rao, Jayprakash Mishra, Yadram Dhruv Ravi Sinha played a commendable role. .
Name Accused – Basant Father Bundawan Patel Age 23 Years Sakin Lavur Police Station Lavur District Balangir Orissa