Principal Secretary Bora inspected Saddu Prayas Vidyalaya and under construction Eklavya residential building

Raipur. Sonamani Bora, Principal Secretary, Tribal Caste, Scheduled Caste and Other Backward Class and Minority Development Department, inspected the Prayas Residential School located at Saddu this morning. He met the students of the school preparing for competitive examinations including JEE, IIT. Bora said that we have history that Eklavya achieves his goal even without a guru. We have to reach the goal by keeping education as priority here. He said that anyone can progress, but self-development alone is not success. Real success is participation in society along with self-development. He said that the purpose for which the parents have sent you here is to fulfill their dream. At the same time, we will have to think about taking forward those societies that have been left behind.
During the inspection of Prayas Residential School, Principal Secretary Bora told the officials that as per the intention of the government administration, facilities like five star hotels should be available for the children of tribal, scheduled caste and backward and weaker sections.
Therefore, facilities like hotels should be developed for the children of this category. He inspected the kitchen of Prayas Vidyalaya Hostel and gave instructions to improve the food arrangements for the children. He said that Prayas Vidyalaya should also be developed on the lines of Navodaya Vidyalaya. Shri Bora also inspected the library along with the physics and chemistry laboratory located at Prayas Vidyalaya. He instructed the children to do practical along with theory. Shri Bora also gave instructions to make arrangements for all the necessary books, computers etc. in the library. While inspecting the dining hall, he asked to equip the dining hall with cleanliness like hotels. He provided CCTV to the residential school premises. Instructions were given to prepare an action plan to equip it with cameras. It is noteworthy that in Prayas Residential School located in Saddu, 400 seats are available for students of class 9th and 10th and 400 seats are available for children of class 11th-12th. Children from weaker sections study in Prayas School.
During this time, Sonmani Bora also inspected the 750 seater residential Eklavya Bhavan being built in Saddu at a cost of Rs 22.05 crore for students of competitive examinations including vocational education, research and engineering. In these, two separate blocks of 250 seats for girls and 500 seats for boys are being constructed. During the inspection, Shri Bora told the officials and representatives of the construction agency to ensure that the building is constructed with quality and within the time limit. Expressing displeasure over the slow progress, Shri Bora gave instructions to speed up the construction work. He asked the officials to regularly check the quality of construction works. He said that before constructing the building, ensure that what facilities can be provided in the future or what may be required. During the visit, Shri Bora told the construction agency that a room like the colonizer should be prepared as a model and after its observation and improvement, the rest of the construction should be done, so that the future facilities can be kept in mind.