Prisoner serving sentence in Mekahara Hospital very comfortably, presented fake medical report in court

Raipur. The adage that a thief goes by stealing, he does not go by rigging, has again been proved true by the accused of cheating crores of rupees. The accused of forgery of 17 crores presented fake Covid report to the court to avoid going to jail. Based on this report, the accused was admitted to the Covid ICU of Ambedkar Hospital. When a leading news group Patrika came to know about this matter, the reporter investigated the Covid ICU ward. In which the truth came to the fore that the accused had presented the 5-month-old swine flu lab report in the court by making it Covid’s.
Satyanarayana Verma, a resident of Telangana J district Medak, is locked in Raipur district for the last one year. Last month, the accused went to Hyderabad on parole in the name of getting treatment for his father’s illness. When the parole of the accused ended on Monday, he presented the report of Shivam Advance Virus Diagnostic Center and Path Lab of Lodhipara Chowk for Covid positive in the court.
Big negligence of Ambedkar Hospital – Big negligence of the management has been seen in the hospital. The accused was admitted on Monday evening. But the admit has been shown on Tuesday. When the team of news group Patrika was monitoring in the Kovid ward till Tuesday evening. Covid was not examined by the doctors till evening. When the team saw the medical file of the accused, they started giving him medicines. The accused is free to use mobile, eat outside and meet friends. Another accused in the same case is also spending the last three months in Ambedkar Hospital.
Dr. OP Sundarani of Ambedkar Hospital says that the prisoner was admitted on the orders of the court. An order has been given for their investigation. Information will be taken about how the samples have not been taken yet.