The shareholders or partners of all the spa centres running in the capital are the so-called white collared people who, playing a double role in the society, trap innocent girls in the name of social service by luring them with a high salary and a career. They make them sit at the reception table for a few days. Then gradually, in the name of customer service, they deliberately send them to the massage room on some pretext or the other so that they understand the culture there and get into that culture. After hiring a girl, she is encouraged to employ her friends and other girls as well. After finding out the family background of the girls, they are slowly brought into the culture of the spa when they get lured by money and start fulfilling their desires happily. When they get into the attitude and get lured by the expensive mobile and new colourful clothes every day, the girls of the neighbourhood and relatives get impressed by her and start connecting with the girl of that spa centre. Then gradually, she becomes a contractor who gets girls jobs in the spa one by one. Due to which the spa owner keeps encouraging her by giving her a reward of 2-5 thousand for each girl along with her salary. In the pursuit of earning huge amounts of money, girls do not hesitate to trade their existence. The process that starts after that does not stop. This is the condition of the spa centers running in the entire capital. Which are running brothels in the name of spa in an undeclared manner.
These spa centers are financed by rich people like politicians, even they hand over their extra houses and shops to them to run spas. Then she becomes a partner of a small time politician in the illegal business in the name of spa and starts showing off by buying a car in two-four months. By increasing the series of meetings with the officials including the big rich people of the city, she starts quadrupling her income by giving them the promise of tension free entertainment. After that, the expansion of the spa is in front of you. What is happening in the name of spa is in front of everyone’s eyes. Due to political patronage, spas become a place for running sex centers and keep providing sexual pleasure to the rich people of the city. Even after hundreds of raids have been conducted in these spa centers, the police also keeps raiding there again and again on the orders of the bosses. During the raid, the politics starts and then the bargaining starts by promising to convey the message to the homes of the boys and girls caught. And then the triple engine express of the small time politicians, spa center operators and police starts.
The police raided a spa center near the railway station. The police found a couple in an objectionable condition at the center. At present, the arrested people are being questioned. According to the information, the police was getting information about a sex racket running at a spa center at some distance from the outpost of Mana police station area in the posh colonies of VIP, Mowa, Tatibandh, Sarona. On this, under the direction of the SSP, the team led by the police station in-charge raided and busted the sex racket.
During the raid, the police found three girls and two boys. At present, the investigation is on to find out who all are involved in this case. The people who have been arrested are also being questioned. Prostitution in spa centers: Massage is just a show off… the girls working there clearly say that they work for money.
Big disclosure: Five police teams raided different spa centers and arrested 7 girls besides the manager of a spa. The police have started investigation against the spa owners. Telibandha police station gets such information every day, but due to busy schedule, instead of raiding daily, they send pointers and raid after verifying the case. The police has information about the prostitution going on in the five major spa centers of the capital, but they do not have information about the new ones that are opening. After the information, the police raided the spa centers with five teams under the leadership of senior officials of the Special Officer Headquarters. Five police teams raided different spa centers and caught 17 women so far, besides the manager of a spa. A case has been registered against the accused and investigation has been started.
According to the police, five police personnel in civil dress were sent to the spa centers as fake customers by giving them two thousand rupees each. First the team reached a spa center running in a building on VIP Road and found a girl there. The girl told that prostitution is done in the spa center for money. Six more girls were found from the spa center and four customers were also found. During the raid at the spa center, it was revealed that the owner of the spa.
The team also found three girls and two customers from the center. During the raid at this spa center, it was found that three girls and one customer were found at the owner’s place.
During the raid, the team found only one girl from the center. A raid was conducted at a spa center named Magic Touch located in Bhilai Sector-1 market. During the interrogation of the manager at the spa center, the accused revealed that the owner of the center is Raju. The police also found a customer from the center.
The crime officer said that the spa centers were running for the last six months. Here prostitution was being done in the name of spa. The raid was conducted after receiving complaints for several days. During the raid, 17 girls were caught from five spa centers, who were later released.