Public awareness about permanent and temporary methods of family planning will be created during this fortnight

Raipur. State Government’s Health and Family Welfare Department will organize ‘Population Stabilization Fortnight’ (Family Planning Fortnight) from July 11 to July 24 to create public awareness on family planning. During this fortnight, a special campaign will be conducted at village and district-level to bust the myths and misconceptions about male and female sterilization. During the fortnight, A.N.M. And Mitanin will go door-to-door and inform the identified beneficiaries about the permanent and temporary means of family planning. Necessary counseling and family planning services will also be provided to the beneficiaries during this period.
Deputy Director of Family Welfare, Dr. T.K. Tondar said that the increasing population of the country is a matter of concern and people should be made aware about it. Family planning facilities such as tubectomy, vasectomy, contraception, contraceptive pill, injection, copper-T are available in all the government health centers free of cost. For family planning, it is important to have at least three years gap between the first and the second child.
Regarding the measures to promote family planning, Dr. Tondar said that NSV facility has been made available in all the district hospitals, identified community health centers and recognized private hospitals. Vasectomy is the easiest method of family planning for couples who do not want any more children. NSV is a simple procedure that takes only 10 to 20 minutes and requires no incision and stitches. It is a painless procedure and the patient feels no physical weakness after sterilization. Post sterilization in government health centres, male beneficiaries are provided an incentive of Rs 3,000 and female beneficiaries are provided Rs 2,000.
Necessary guidelines issued to nodal officers in the workshop regarding population stabilization fortnight
On the occasion of World Population Day, Health Department organized a daylong workshop today in the capital city Raipur, where nodal officers of the family welfare program and district store in-charges of all the districts participated. In the workshop, Director of Epidemic Control, Dr. Subhash Mishra gave necessary guidelines to all the nodal officers regarding the population stabilization fortnight.