Punjab: In a major achievement on the first day of the new year, the local police have arrested three criminals in two separate cases. In the first case, the Phagwara city police today arrested two members of a gang of thieves and recovered stolen items including four mobile phones, cigarette packets and a motorcycle from their possession. Superintendent of Police Rupinder Kaur Bhatti said the arrested suspects have been identified as Amandeep Singh, resident of Rameshwar Colony, New Model Town, Jalandhar and Rajinder Kumar, resident of Bhargo Camp, Pichori. They were nabbed following a complaint by store owner Neeraj Bakshi.
Bakshi said after closing his shop at night, when he returned the next morning he found that several items including branded cigarettes were missing. The police took prompt action and arrested the suspects and recovered the stolen items. In the second case, the police nabbed a youth involved in thefts at two different places, from whom cash worth Rs 1.85 lakh was recovered. The accused has been identified as Manak, resident of Chhaj Colony. He had stolen Rs 1.65 lakh from Rajesh Syal’s house and Rs 20,000 from Pravesh Sahni’s house. Superintendent of Police Bhatti said that the police is continuing the investigation in both the cases and further legal action is underway against the accused.