Punjab: Recent events in Punjab reveal an alarming rise in serious crimes committed by juveniles and young adults in the age group of 16-22 years. These individuals, often misguided, get caught up in criminal activities such as murder, snatching and even terrorism, posing a new challenge for law-enforcement. The recent broad daylight murder of 23-year-old Karan in Patiala, in which five suspects, including a 16-year-old juvenile, were arrested, has highlighted the gravity of the situation. All the accused are school dropouts, some of whom have a history of criminal behaviour.
Karan’s murder was reportedly prompted by his text messages sent to one of the accused’s girlfriend. He was dragged off his motorcycle in a busy market area and brutally beaten and stabbed multiple times. The arrested individuals, aged between 16 and 20, showed no remorse for the crime, with reports suggesting that they even celebrated after hearing the news of Karan’s death. The involvement of school dropouts in such heinous crimes has become a disturbing trend in Punjab. According to law enforcement officials, these youths are often drawn to crime by the lure of easy money and recognition from peers. One of the accused in Karan’s murder has been jailed twice before and was involved in cases of attempted murder despite being only 21 years old.
Senior police officials express deep concern over the increasing number of juveniles involved in serious crimes. A worrying trend has emerged, where young offenders show no remorse, and their time in jail only deepens their involvement in the criminal world. In recent years, more than 15 juveniles below the age of 20 have been arrested for various crimes, reflecting the growing threat posed by youth crime. The root causes of this trend are multi-faceted. Exposure to violence in popular media, such as songs and films, as well as easy access to drugs have pushed many young people onto a dangerous path. The lure of a criminal lifestyle is strong, and once these individuals become embroiled in illegal activities, rehabilitation becomes increasingly difficult.