Raipur raipur news. There is news of a huge uproar in front of Mohaba Bazaar Ashoka Biryani. Raipur Big News According to the information received, local youth are protesting against opening till late night. Also, the youth are making serious allegations against Ashoka Biryani. In view of the ruckus, a large number of police forces have been deployed on the spot.
Accident happened in Ashoka Biryani Telibandha a few days ago – It is worth mentioning that electrician Neelkamal Kumar Patel and David Sahu died while cleaning the gutter. The cause of death was said to be poisonous gas. After the accident, all the branches of Ashoka Biryani were sealed. Collector Dr. Gaurav Singh had said that investigation found that the Gumasta license of many branches had expired. At some places, they were sealed due to cleanliness related problems. Continuous update is being done on this news. Stay tuned to jantaserishta.com for correct and accurate news.