Raipur. SSP Raipur Santosh Singh has directed the Traffic Police Raipur every month to encourage and reward the people who prevent road accidents and provide quick medical treatment to the injured in road accidents by identifying them as Good Samaritans. Recently, in the same sequence, the Senior Superintendent of Police honored six Good Samaritans in the control room who saved the lives of the injured in a road accident by providing prompt assistance. During this, Additional Superintendent of Police Traffic/Protocol Anurag Jha and Deputy Superintendent of Police Traffic Raipur Gurjeet Singh were present.
Let us tell you that in India, about 1.5 lakh people die every year in road accidents, the main reason for which is the lack of prompt medical treatment for the injured. The first thirty minutes during a road accident is called the golden hour. During this time, if the injured person is taken to the hospital by any means or medical care is provided, then the life of the injured person can be saved. But in most of the road accidents, people make videos and photos from mobile phones but no measures are taken to save the life of the injured. Besides, help is not given thinking that one will have to go to the court again and again and there will be trouble, due to which the injured person dies in agony due to lack of prompt treatment. Keeping this in view, the Senior Superintendent of Police has directed all the police station in-charges to give maximum publicity to the Good Samaritans for providing quick help to the injured in road accidents occurring in the police station area and to raise awareness about the Good Samaritans who save lives by providing quick help to the injured. It has been directed to be present for encouragement and reward. In this sequence, the Good Samaritans who helped the injured in various road accidents in Raipur district were honored by the Senior Superintendent of Police by giving memento and citation. Also, his photo has been put up on big hoardings at many important places in the city, so that others can also be inspired. Good Samaritans helping road accident victims are as follows:-
- Dashrath Sahu, father of Mahru Ram Sahu, village Bagdehipara, Navapara Raipur, played an important role in saving his life by immediately calling 108 ambulance and taking him to the hospital in the road accident that occurred near bus stand Navapara on 12th December 2023 and near village Pipraud Chowk on 22nd February 2024. Played.
- Khileshwar Mahant father Ferudas Mahant of village Bhaisa on 09 December 2023 near village Kanaki, Mohd. And in the accident in Peekup, the lives of those injured were saved by immediately calling 108 ambulance and taking them to Kharora Hospital.
- By Karthik Kumar Nirmalkar, father N. Nagarajan Housing Board Colony, Sejbahar Raipur, on 11 February 2024, near Dunda Nala, a car Alto went out of control and entered the drain, in which the driver and the passenger were seriously injured, who were immediately rescued by a crane vehicle. After being evacuated, 108 ambulances were immediately called and medical arrangements were made available to the hospital.
- By Ravikumar Sahu, father Khemlal Sahu, village Sejbahar Raipur, on 16 January 2024, near Muzgahan drain, a car went out of control and fell into the drain, in which the driver was seriously injured, who immediately called 108 ambulance and sent him to the hospital for treatment. His life was saved. Played an important role in.
- Govinda Sahni, father, Sadh Lal Sahni, Police Station Mana Camp Raipur, in the year 2023, in a road accident that took place between a truck and an MLS in Dumtarrai, the MLS driver and passenger were seriously injured, who immediately dialed 108 ambulance and took the injured to Mekahara Hospital. After informing his family members, he stayed in the hospital and got treatment till his arrival.
- Parth Vaishnav’s father Shiv Kumar Vaishnav Abhanpur, in the serious road accident that took place near Abhanpur Signal on 06 and 07 February, the injured were immediately taken to Krishna Hospital in Abhanpur and provided medical care.