Kanyakubj Brahmin Samaj Raipur organized the Kanwar Yatra. Both men and women of the society were present in it. About 70-75 people participated in the Kanwar Yatra which started from Ashirwad Bhawan with band music. After worshipping the water brought from 7 Kunds (rivers), worshipping Shankar ji and chanting Bol Bam, Har Har Mahadev, the Kanwariyas reached Budheshwar temple and offered water on the Shivling and performed Puja. chhattisgarh
chhattisgarh news The presentation of Aarti and Bhajan by Mahila Mandal was captivating. Chanting the slogans of Bol Bam, Har Har Mahadev, the Kanwariyas kept attracting everyone’s attention wherever they passed. After Jalabhishek in Budheshwar temple, all the devotees reached Ashirwad Bhawan and received food and prasadi. Everyone’s cooperation in the entire program was commendable.