Astrology News: In Sanatan Dharma, every day of the week is dedicated to the worship of some deity or the other, while Thursday is considered special for the worship of Lord Shri Hari Vishnu. On this day, it is best to worship God as per the rituals. .
Devotees fast on this day by being absorbed in the devotion of the Lord, but along with this, if Dashavatar Stotra, the beloved and miraculous stotra of Lord Vishnu, the sustainer of the world, is recited with true heart on this day, then all the problems of life will be solved. And with the blessings of God, happiness, prosperity and good fortune increases, so today we have brought for you the complete text of Dashavatar Stotra.
Read Dashavatar Stotra here-
Shri Dashavatara Stotra: Pralaya Payodhi-Jale
Pralayapayodhijale dhritvansi vedam.
Vihitavahitracharitram khedam.
Keshav Dhritmeenshreer Jai Jagdish Hare ॥1॥
Kshitirativipultare tav tisthati pages.
Keshav in the form of Dhritakachchha Jai Jagdish Hare ॥2॥
Vasati dashanshikhare dharani tav lagna.
Shashini Kalanklev Nimagna.
Keshav Dhritusukarrup Jai Jagdish Hare ॥3॥
Tav karkamalvare nakhamadbhutasringam.
Keshav Dhritanharharirup Jai Jagdish Hare ॥4॥
Chhalaasi Vikramane Balimadbhutavaman.
Keshav Dhritvamanrup Jai Jagdish Hare ॥5॥
Kshatriyarudhiramye jagadapagatapaapam.
Sanpayasi payasi shamitabhavatapam.
Keshav Dhritabhrigupatirup Jai Jagdish Hare ॥6॥
Vitrasi dikshu rane dikpatikamaniyam.
Dashmukhamauliblin delamanam.
Keshav Dhritaraghupativesh Jai Jagdish Hare ॥7॥
Vahsi vapushe vishede vasanam jaladabham.
Keshav Dhrithahaldharrup Jai Jagdish Hare ॥8॥
Nindasi Yajnavidheraha Srutijatam.
Keshav Dhritbuddhasharir Jai Jagdish Hare ॥9॥
Mlechchhanivahanidhane kalyasi karvalam.
Dhumketumiv Kimpi Karalam.
Keshav Dhritakalkisharir Jai Jagdish Hare ॥10॥
Shrunu sukhadam shubhadam bhavasaram.
Keshav Dhritadashavidharup Jai Jagdish Hare ॥11॥