Fluctuation of blood sugar in the body causes the problem of diabetes. In such a situation, experts always recommend that if type 2 diabetes is present, it can be reversed through proper and active lifestyle and healthy food. To control blood sugar, one should eat rotis made from this flour and not from wheat flour. These flours help you control your blood sugar easily.
ragi flour
Nutritionists believe that ragi flour is beneficial for diabetic patients. Due to low amount of carbohydrates and rich source of fiber, it keeps the stomach full for a long time. Furthermore, fiber is digested slowly. Due to this, the blood sugar level does not increase suddenly and becomes easier to control.
Barley flour
Eating barley flour roti is also beneficial in diabetes. Barley bread not only increases stomach hormones. Due to which metabolism increases. Barley also helps in reducing inflammation in the body. Eating barley bread is a great option to control blood sugar.
Ramdana or Amarnath flour
Amarnath flour is also called Ramdana flour. It is known to have antidiabetic and antioxidant effects. If Amaranth roti is included in the daily diet then it will help in maintaining blood sugar levels. Ramdana contains abundant amount of protein. It contains minerals and vitamins as well as lipids in good quantity. Which is very important for diabetes.
chickpea flour
Chickpea flour has a much lower glycemic index than wheat. Apart from this, the soluble fiber present in it helps in reducing blood sugar. Apart from this, gram flour also prevents sugar from being absorbed quickly into the blood. Due to this, the blood sugar level does not increase immediately after eating.