Neem leaves have been used in India for thousands of years. Knowing the benefits of this neem leaf full of bitterness, you too will gnash your teeth. It is also called ‘Dawa’ (herb) because of its ability to cure many diseases. From neem leaves to its bark, it has always been used for many minor and major problems related to the body. At the same time, many people also include neem leaves in food.
Natural conditioner for hair: Neem is considered a good natural conditioner for hair. Boiling its leaves in water and applying it to the hair helps to get rid of dandruff problem.
Acts as an ointment for burns: Neem has antiseptic properties, so grinding neem leaves and applying on any part of the body provides relief from burning sensation and does not increase the wound.
Relief from ear pain Neem oil is very beneficial for ear problems. Using its oil for ear discharge provides relief to a great extent.
It is an effective medicine for boils: If the blood is not clean, boils keep on forming on the body. Applying ground neem leaves on boils provides relief.
Reduces acne: If you have acne problem then washing face with neem leaf water is beneficial.
avoid overeating
You can get countless benefits from neem leaves. But, do not consume it excessively even by mistake. According to health experts, a person should consume 6 to 8 neem leaves daily. Eating too much can harm the body.