Raipur. Chief Minister Vishnudev Sai had reached Jamdei village of Surajpur district today where his eyes fell on the stall of the Women and Child Development Department. Some children were standing here with cakes in their hands. When the Chief Minister asked whose birthday it was, the Chief Minister was so impressed by the answers given by the children that he himself cut the cake for the children with his own hands and fed them.
In fact, three children of Surajpur district, Akash, Rihan and Rishank, were counted among the malnourished children and their condition was very bad. In such a situation, giving the benefit of the scheme run by Mahila Child Vikas, these children were given nutritious food. The children got ready-to-eat and hot nutritious food from Anganwadi, so that all three of them could overcome malnutrition and became well-nourished, giving themselves a new life.
All three told the Chief Minister that they have got a new life from the government schemes and for this they have brought a ready-to-eat cake. Chief Minister Vishnudev Sai and Assembly Speaker Raman Singh blessed these children profusely and the Chief Minister himself cut the cake and fed the children with his own hands.