The education department claims to bring positive changes in public schools, but shortage of staff has become a major hurdle in ensuring quality education for students.
Political Science students of Government Higher Secondary School, PAU, claim that their final exams will start in February, but due to the absence of a senior teacher, they could not understand the paper.
A Class XI student complained that she could not understand most of the course work as many concepts and topics were not clear in the class. “An interim teacher had come but she completed the syllabus in a hurry without resolving our doubts. We are about 50 students who have studied Political Science, but most of us sit in the classroom not knowing anything. Some of us have started receiving tuition fees,” he told a student, adding that not all students can afford tuition fees.
There was a permanent professor of political science in 2022, but after his retirement no permanent professor was appointed. Temporary teachers were unable to explain the course material to the students.
Some students, who feel that they will not even get passing grades, have started classes for about a month. “My father is a salesman in a store, but he cannot pay the tuition. Upon my request, I have accepted the registration. We have to pay Rs 5,000 for the classes as the teacher will cover the entire syllabus in just a month,” said a Class 12 student.
Despite repeated attempts, director Balwinder Kaur could not be contacted.