Raipur/Mumbai. There is talk of Ranbir Kapoor being linked to betting king Saurabh Chandrakar. The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has called for questioning. He has been asked to appear on 6th October. This summon has been sent to him in connection with the connection with Mahadev App, which defrauded lakhs of people through betting in Chhattisgarh. In this case, not only Ranbir Kapoor’s name is coming up, but there are 15-20 more celebs in the list who are on the ED’s radar. The names of Atif Aslam, Rahat Fateh Ali Khan, Ali Asgar, Vishal Dadlani, Tiger Shroff, Nega Kakkar, Bharti Singh, Elli Avram, Sunny Leone, Bhagyashree, Palkit Samrat, Kirti Kharbanda, Nusrat Bharucha and Krishna Abhishek are included in this list. Let us tell you that ‘Mahadev Gaming-Betting’ is an online betting platform. The promoter of this app, Saurabh Chandrakar, was married in the United Arab Emirates in February. More than Rs 200 crore was spent on the wedding. The video of this luxurious wedding has been captured by Indian agencies. All the celebs who were invited to perform at the wedding have also come on the radar.