Noida: A picture of a society in Noida is going viral. In this, a woman is seen hanging from the balcony of the flat with the help of a rope. You will be even more surprised to know that he took such a risk for a handkerchief. Now people are making different types of comments on social media.
The matter is of West Samriddhi Grand Avenue Society of Greater Noida. Here a woman’s handkerchief had fallen from a tower on the floor slab below. The trick that the woman living on the 12th floor came up with to get it back is very surprising and dangerous.
The woman made a rope of clothes and hanged herself from the flat. Slowly coming down, she took the handkerchief and then climbed up again with the help of the rope. During this time some people captured it in their mobile cameras.
After the picture went viral, people are making various types of comments on social media. Some are praising the courage of the woman while others are criticizing her for risking her life.