Srikakulam : Even after start of cultivation activities during current kharif season, soil health cards are yet to reachmost of the farmers in the district. Normally, samples are collecting during summer and after being analysed the same, health card is prepared and distributed to farmers. The main aim of conducting soil test is to examine condition of the land and making suggestions to the farmers for any corrective steps needed. During the analysis of soil, scientists would examine levels of various minerals in the soil and how far they are useful for different varieties of crops.
This year, as per the agriculture department targets, a total of 27,100 soil samples have to be analysed. Of them, 70 percent samples i.e.18,970 need to be collected during kharif and rest in coming rabi season. So far, concerned soil test wing officials and staff collected soil samples but out of the total collected samples 3,500 are being analysed so far and the same need to uploaded in Soil Health Mobile Portal (SHMP).
Rest of the soil samples are yet to be analysed. Farmers are still looking for soil health cards and the department is unable to provide them before kharif season. “After analysing the soil nature and its minerals, we will up load the same into SHMP and also prepare soil health cards,” said assistant director (AD) for soil health wing G Satyavathi. Subsequently, soil nature and its details will be explained to farmers by the village agricultural assistants (VAA) concerned, she added.