Sudha Open School Amasivani celebrated the 75th Republic Day on the eve of 26th January

Raipur. on eve of Republic day sudha open school Amaseoni Raipur celebrated 75th Republic day today with kids of open school where Sh.Kaushal Choudhary businessman n Treasurer of Emperia Sapphire green was chief Guest and Mrs.Sunita choudhary Aggarwal, social worker was Guest of Honour.At the onset of program both the Guests were welcomed by presenting them plants in the pot by sh.Gk bhatnagar chairman of society and kids of school.Children sung patriotic songs and danced on patriotic songs in the presence of Guests.The program was conducted by Sh.Gk bhatnagar chairman of the society.Mrs.Bharti Gangaram and Miss Khushi yadav faculties took active role to make the program successfull.The 8 kids of school also drawn drawing n sketches with blind fold as they underwent 2 days Art of living intuition course recently with the support of society.Sh.Kaushal choudhary and Mrs.Sunita choudhary addressed the kids and appreciated the society s role in educating them in the evening time and conducting extra curricular activities for them and making them good citizens.Mrs.Reema Acharya volunteer of society also addressed the kids and proposed the vote of thanks to all. Kids were provided sweets and snacks at the end of program.