Raipur. Confirmed berths are not available in passenger trains running through Chhattisgarh during summer. Due to which the railway administration has started the facility of summer special train, which claims to provide confirmed berths to the passengers. Railway administration will also provide the facility of extra coaches in case of increase in crowd in these trains.
In fact, as soon as the summer holidays start, people have made family tour plans, due to which they are not getting confirmed berths in regular passenger trains. The situation is such that we are facing difficulties in getting confirmed berths in trains. The waiting list in most trains has crossed 250 to 300. Most of the people have made tour plans and made reservations in May and June. This is the reason that in view of the extra crowd of passengers in trains, the Railway Administration has started Summer Special Train in the direction of providing smooth and uninterrupted travel facilities to the passengers by better management. Railway administration claims that crowd monitoring is being done in all the trains passing through Bilaspur railway division. Also, extensive arrangements have been made for proper implementation of crowd management at major stations.
Railway administration said that keeping in mind the extra rush of passengers in trains in view of summer vacations, to provide them travel facilities with confirmed berths, summer special trains have been operated for various directions from South East Central Railway. going. The benefit of operation of these trains is being availed by the passengers going to their native place or visiting the country during summer vacations. Passengers are getting the facilities of confirmed berths in these trains even during the peak season, due to which they are enjoying a smooth and pleasant journey.