Surajpur surajpur news. There is a wave of happiness among the villagers of Rameshpur village under the district, because the whole of Rameshpur has lit up due to the installation of a new transformer. The villagers there were troubled for a long time due to problems like continuous low voltage and unannounced power cuts, frequent breakdown of transformers.
chhattisgarh news The thraha installed by the farmers here for sowing paddy was drying due to lack of sufficient rainfall, the farmers said that if there is electricity, we can save the paddy thraha from drying through motor pump. The villagers informed Women and Child Development Minister Lakshmi Rajwada about all these problems. chhattisgarh
Minister Rajwada took the problem of farmers and villagers seriously and directed the electricity department officials to install a new transformer. A new transformer was installed immediately within 24 hours of the minister’s instructions. There is happiness in the village due to the installation of the new transformer and all the villagers have expressed their gratitude to Minister Rajwada.