KENDRAPARA: Residents of villages under Rajkanika block around Bhitarkanika National Park are up in arms after cracks developed on the walls of their houses allegedly due to drilling by the Oil India Ltd (OIL).
Vibrations caused by the drilling operations, which were carried out on Monday and Tuesday, resulted in the cracks on the walls and floors of several houses of Gualsingh, Tarasa, Mahurigaon and Ostia, all riverside villages. Some affected villagers even gheraoed workers of OIL at Gualsingh village on Tuesday.
Dilip Swain, project manager of OIL, Kendrapara said the central public sector undertaking is currently conducting a survey for crude oil in various parts of the riverside areas of Rajkanika block. The PSU is using cutting-edge 3D seismic technologies, he said.