Despite being in love, these habits cause fight in the relationship, leave them from today

Everyone wants that his married life should go ahead without any problem and the love of the partner should remain forever. But it is often seen that even after there is love between the two, distance starts coming, the reason behind which is some of your habits. Due to these habits, quarrels keep on increasing with each passing day and this spoils the foundation of the relationship. Some habits are such that they can be ignored, but some turn into fights and after that the distance starts increasing in the relationship. Today we are going to give you information about some such habits which need to be abandoned from today itself because they are ruining your relationship. Let’s know about these habits…
shout without talking
You must have seen some couples shouting badly at each other during the fight. This is a big problem between the partners, due to which they are not able to solve their problems. Instead of shouting, you should talk to your partner in a calm manner about your problems. You end up yelling at each other badly, using words that are heart wrenching. At the same time, your image also does not become very good in the eyes of your partner.
to flirt
Many times girls try to flirt with someone else to make their partner jealous or to get their special attention. You may enjoy it for a while, but in reality, in this way you are making your relationship weak. The relation of marriage is strengthened by trust and with this kind of habit of yours, your future husband will never trust you. He may form a wrong opinion about you. In this way, the trust that is necessary for a healthy relationship will not be created in your relationship throughout life.
demeaning partner
If you keep looking for opportunities to fight or put your partner down, then it is obvious that you have a bigger problem than that. You have to understand that in married life one has to walk with the partner and not fight a war against him. Being upset with each other’s let down and partner’s progress can weaken the foundation of your relationship. If there is a problem between the two of you about something, then you can talk about it in a relaxed manner and decide that you will try to work as a team.
blame game
Many times there is a tussle between the couples about something. In such a situation, neither of the two people is ready to accept their mistake and tries to put all the blame on others. If your habit is also such that you never accept your mistake, then understand that there will always be problems in your relationship even after marriage.
keeping financial secrets
Keeping your financial investments and investment plans hidden from your partner can increase misunderstandings and fights between you two. You may have reservations about your partner and the way he spends your money, but that doesn’t mean you should hide your savings plans from him. At the same time, whatever financial planning you do, do it keeping the partner in mind. According to what planning will be right for your married life, take a step after talking with your partner.
check phone
Do you check your partner’s phone whenever you meet or do you always follow the social media activity of your future husband? If the answer is yes, then change this habit of yours today itself. Actually, every person needs a space of his own and if you try to eliminate that space as well, then the person in front of you will feel suffocated in the relationship and this only adds bitterness to the relationship.
excessive third person opinion
If there is any problem in your marriage life, do not discuss it with outsiders. Mother-in-law and father-in-law often start interfering in the matters of husband and wife, while this can harm you further. Do not take your problem to any third person, instead solve your problems unitedly. Involving any third person can affect you with their words and this can create a rift in your relationship. It is better that you solve your problems together with your partner.