Do not do this work on Friday, wealth will go away

In Hinduism, every day of the week is dedicated to the worship of one or the other deity, the same Friday is considered best for Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth. do and also keep fast.
It is believed that by doing this, the goddess pleases and removes all the sorrows of the devotees, but at the same time many rules have been told regarding Friday, following which gives benefits, but unseen sorrows cause problems. . In such a situation, today we are telling you through this article that which works should not be done on Friday even by mistake.
Do not do this work on Friday
According to the scriptures, Goddess Lakshmi comes to the house on every Friday, in such a house where there is filth, the goddess of wealth does not reside there, as a result of which the family has to suffer in the form of financial crisis. Mother Lakshmi does not like those who use indecent words, in such a situation, there should not be a fight, quarrel or abuse in the house even by mistake on Friday. Otherwise the goddess of wealth gets angry and goes away and the person has to face poverty.
Don’t do the transaction of borrowed money even by mistake on Friday. Borrowing money on this day increases the burden of debt, while lending money increases the chances of drowning, in such a situation, money transactions should be avoided. Apart from this, sugar should not be given on credit even by mistake on Friday. By doing this, the Venus of the horoscope becomes weak. Along with this, wealth and splendor also goes away from the house. Non-vegetarian food and any kind of intoxication should not be consumed on Friday. Otherwise Goddess Lakshmi can get angry.