Tirupati: The students should be taught about Hindu Sanatana Dharma from their schooling stage itself to strengthen their belief in our age-old faith, said TTD Education Officer Bhaskar Reddy.
Inaugurating the one-day summer workshop on Hindu Sanatana Dharma conducted for the children of TTD employees studying between class 6 to 10 at SVETA Bhavan in Tirupati on Wednesday, he said the children should be taught on the importance of Hindu Sanatana Dharma, the richness of our culture and tradition, the ethical values profounded by the great sages and philosophers from tender age in schools itself so that the students will emerge as good citizens of the country and will also help them to lead a righteous life in their future.
In this day long workshop held under the supervision of SVETA Director Prasanthi, the students were taught on Sri Venkateswara Divya Vaibhavam, Santana Dharma, personality development, Yoga-Dhyanam, Bhagavat Gita etc while a team of scholars including Ragothammarao, Hariprasad, RCK Raju, Nandan Bhat acted as resources persons speaking on various topics.
The speakers while explaining the greatness of Hindu dharma said Daiva preethi (love of God), Pap Bheeti (fear of sin) and Sangha Niti (social norms) are the cardinal principles of our age-old faith and wanted the children to equip them with the knowledge of our religion to keep our moorings with our Dharma intact.
Interestingly, though 6,000 employees working in TTD, the participation in the meeting was thin with about 30 children of employees attended. Programme Coordinator PV Balaji Deekshitulu was also present.