Manendragarh Chirmiri Bharatpur: Panic spread after the sighting of a tiger 3 kilometers away from the populated area of Janakpur city. The tiger was seen drinking water in the river, after which people lost their sleep at night and peace during the day. As soon as the elections were announced in Chhattisgarh, the code of conduct has been imposed. After the implementation of the code of conduct, the revenue and police team including SDM Bharatpur Moolchand Chopra, District CEO Bharatpur Anil Agnihotri, Assistant Sub Inspector Rajendra Singh, Assistant Sub Inspector Ajay Baghel were visiting rural areas to remove political banner posters.
The team was returning back to Janakpur at around 05.30 in the evening. Meanwhile, the police administration team saw a ferocious tiger drinking water in the Fuljhar river, three kilometers before Janakpur city. At first the team could not believe it. Then he stopped his car and saw the tiger from a distance. They were able to see the tiger from inside their vehicles at some distance. The tiger sensed the presence of humans nearby and went into the bushes of the dense forest and disappeared from the team’s sight.