

Saif Chilla who abused by showing a knife in Maudhapara arrested

Raipur. In the video received by the police, the accused Saif was found abusing and hooliganizing with a sharp knife…


Raipur police is taking the incident of gang war lightly, case of Maudhapara

Raipur. The graph of crime is continuously increasing in the capital Raipur. Cases like stabbing, murder, assault are constantly coming…


Raipur: People were threatened with a knife near Maudhapara Sulabh toilet, miscreant arrested

Raipur raipur news. A miscreant has been arrested in Maudhapara. During town patrolling, it was reported that a person was…


Youth arrested for stealing in jewelery shop of Maudhapara

Raipur: The youth who committed theft in the jewelery shop of Maudhapara has been arrested. According to the police, Bhavesh…

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