Jawali. The state government is claiming to get development done in Panchayats under other schemes including MNREGA, but there are irregularities in these schemes. At some places, there are allegations of using substandard material in the construction work, and at some places, there are allegations of paying daily wages under MNREGA without doing any work.
A similar case has come to light in Niangal Panchayat under Nagrota Suriya development block. Here there have been complaints of money being deposited into people’s accounts without engaging in any work.
In Panchayat Niyangal, people have raised questions on the work done by the Panchayat. Local people told that the Panchayat has given ward no.
A work worth Rs 1.5 lakh was done to put lintel on a well in 4th Saini Basti, but the people who were working on the spot were not given daily wages, rather the money was deposited in the accounts of different people. Amit Kumar of Ward No. 4 told that he himself was engaged in daily wage work, but he did not get his money. The person from whom the stones were taken was given only Rs 3,000, but on the papers it was shown as Rs 15,000.
He told that Rs 20 thousand has been given to one person, regarding which no clear answer was given from the Panchayat representatives. He said that a complaint about this was made to District Magistrate Kangra and the Chief Minister Helpline in July 2023, but no investigation has been done till date.
He has demanded from the District Panchayat Officer that this work should be investigated as soon as possible otherwise a demonstration will be held outside the BDO office. District Panchayat Officer Neelam Katoch said that a complaint has been received, on which the Block Development Officer has been ordered to investigate.