Varanasi: Swami Shivshankar Bharati “Chaitanya”, considered the embodiment of Lord Vishwanath for the people of Kashi, died on Sunday at the age of 108. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has expressed grief over his demise. Bharti Ji Maharaj, who had been continuously worshiping and meditating Lord Vishwanath for almost 100 years, had adopted Sannyasa religion at the age of 20. He remained in the company of Lord Vishwanath from 2.30 in the morning to 6 in the evening. He used to anoint Lord Vishwanath while sitting in the sanctum sanctorum. This sequence continued for almost eight decades. Expressing grief over the demise of Swami Shivshankar Bharti, Prime Minister Narendra Modi wrote on Twitter, “The sad news of the great demise of Saint Shri Shivshankar Chaitanya Bharti, a great devotee of Lord Vishwanath, was received from Kashi. He was continuously present in Mangala Aarti in the service of Baba Vishwanath. His departure is a great loss to the saint tradition of Kashi. Humble tribute to Saint Shri Bharti Ji Maharaj on his dissolution in the form of Shiva. Om Shanti!”