Beijing (IANS). Wushu (martial arts) featured many “foreign faces” at the 31st Universiade in Changtu, capital of southwest China’s Sichuan province, and Aite Mouloud Louisa, a doctoral student from Algeria, is one of them.
He said that Wushu is not just his hobby, but also a way of life. Wushu makes them more hardworking, more focused, more organized and more energetic. Wushu is his second life.
Luisa, 27, is a doctoral student in electrical engineering. This year is his fourth year of doctoral studies and his tenth year of wushu practice. He said that he made many friends through Wushu. Sports are like a magnet, which draws people towards them.
According to Louisa, about 60 thousand people currently practice wushu in Algeria, and wushu classes are very popular in Algerian schools. Luisa, who has practiced Wushu for many years, has been given the opportunity to come to China by the Changtu Universiade. This is his first visit to China.
He said that the Chinese people are very hospitable and understanding. In particular, the Universiade volunteers work hard to help athletes solve problems, they felt very warm. Apart from this, Chinese food tempts them.
Luisa’s doctoral research focuses on deep learning in artificial intelligence (AI). He said that China is a leader in AI field, it has very advanced algorithm and China is investing and developing heavily in AI.
Luisa said that she often read papers by Chinese scholars in the AI field and found their level to be very cutting edge. She plans to visit China after completing her studies and have deep exchanges with Chinese scholars.