More Than 3,400 Persons Killed, 2,700 Injured In 4,860 Hit-and-run Cases In Three Years In Gujarat

Gujarat: More than 3,400 persons were killed and 2,700 injured in hit-and-run cases in Gujarat in the last three financial years, the state Assembly was informed on Thursday.
A hit-and-run is an act of causing a collision and fleeing from the scene.
As per data tabled in the House, 4,860 hit-and-run cases were reported in Gujarat. comprising 1,499 in 2020-21, a total of 1,591 in 2021-22 and 1,770 in 2022-23.
In these 4,860 collisions, 3,449 persons have died, including 329 deaths in Ahmedabad district, and 2,720 persons were injured.
As per the data, 1,069 died in financial year 2020-21, 1,158 in 2021-22 and 1,222 in 2022-23, which indicated a steady rise in such fatal road accidents.
The state government said it had taken several steps to reduce hit-run-cases, including organising programs to spread traffic awareness at regular intervals, fixing speed limits by issuing notifications, identifying and penalising violators by using speed-guns and organising special drives to nab culprits involved in such cases.
The state government also informed the Assembly that joint enforcement teams of police, municipal corporation and RTO officials have been created in urban areas to conduct patrolling and to enforce laws as directed by the Gujarat High Court.