Panjim: In the most energetic order that questions the past and vehemently questions the present, the Superior Tribunal of Bombay in Goa has declared that the permissions granted to Sunburn, the controversial festival of electronic dance music (EDM) in 2022, are illegal. Were. This is also an indictment on the state government which had given these permits.
The order, delivered by a tribunal of judges S Sonak and Bharat P Deshpande in a PIL filed by Rajesh Sinari against various branches of the state government as well as organizers M/s Spacebound Web Labs Pvt Ltd, was earlier reserved on July 25. Quemaduras of the festival of Solares.
The petitioner, in his Public Interest Litigation (PIL), had challenged the permission dated December 28, 2022 granted to M/s Spacebound Web Labs Pvt Ltd to organize Sunburn EDM festival at Vagator from December 28 to 30, which was violated by the organisers. Terms and conditions of the permit on exceeding the noise level prescribed in the permit and norms.
“It is declared that the permit dated 28th December 2022 granted to R-10 (Spacebound Web Labs Pvt. Ltd.) for the celebration of Sunburn EDM festival from 28th to 30th December 2022 was illegally granted and, as a result, the said That the permit was illegal and is likely to be canceled or cancelled”, the judicial order said.
The tribunal of the division constituted by Justice Mahesh S Sonak and Justice BP Deshpande declared that the government should immediately constitute a special contingent cell constituted by high-ranking officials of the Goa Police, Junta Estatal de Control de la Contamination de Goa. (GSPCB) and SDM/Collector will guarantee that permits for such mega events will be granted as per the notified action plan.
The tribunal also said that organizers of such megaevents must scrupulously adhere to the terms and conditions by which such permits are granted. In its auto, the tribunal also highlighted the need to teach civic sense to children at an early age and add appropriate chapters in textbooks on the dangerous effects of acoustic pollution.
Sunburn Promoter Company has been requested to pay costs of Rs 25,000 to the petitioner.
The Tribunal further said that the State Government should in future consider applications from parties who carry out events or actions in violation of the terms and conditions subject to which such permits are granted or the acoustic pollution rules.
The tribunal announced that if Spacebound Web Labs Pvt Ltd or any organizer proposes to celebrate the music festival Sunburn in 2023, high ranking police officers, GSPCB officers and collector assistants should be present at the venue to monitor it. Fulfillment. Police officials and GSPCB officials should coordinate so that what happened on December 28 and 30 is not repeated.
If officials find that they are exceeding or not complying with acoustic pollution levels, they should immediately stop the event and inspect the noise-producing equipment. Furthermore, the authorities should take all measures to ensure that the level of acoustic pollution does not exceed any level.
By order of the State Government to comply with the directions issued by the Supreme Court regarding acoustic pollution and these provisional directions are complete for any future event that Spacebound Web Labs Limited may organize or for the Sunburn Music Festival. Feel the second part.
Sunburn Promoter Company has been requested to pay costs of Rs 25,000 to petitioner Rajesh Sinari of Anjuna.