Mahasamund. After being elected in the three-tier Panchayat elections, the process of election for the post of District Panchayat President and Vice President was done in the meeting hall of the District Panchayat on Thursday. Nomination papers were filled for both the posts.
After filing the nomination, voting was done by 15 members at the scheduled time. In which Mangra Kishan Lal Patel from constituency number 15 was elected for the post of President and Bhikkham Singh Thakur from constituency number 6 was elected for the post of Vice President.
After voting, the result was announced and the election certificate was given to the newly elected President and Vice President by the Presiding Officer Raviraj Thakur. On this occasion, the elected District Panchayat members, Assistant Presiding Officer Srishti Chandrakar and officials related to the election were present.