

Atal ji has given the mantra of good governance: Vishnudev Sai

Raipur. CM Vishnudev Sai attended the program organized at the State BJP Office, Kushabhau Thackeray Campus today. x In the…


Vishnudev Sarkar gave financial help of 5 lakhs to Teejan Bai

Raipur. State Health Minister Shyam Bihari Jaiswal reached the residence of Padma Vibhushan Teejan Bai, a folk singer of Pandavani,…


Vishnudev Sarkar is determined for women empowerment

Raipur. With the aim of promoting health, nutrition, economic self-reliance and empowerment of Chhattisgarh women, the Mahtari Vandan Yojana run…


Vishnudev government’s new paddy procurement policy gives new hope to farmers

The new paddy procurement policy of the Chhattisgarh government has given a new hope to the farmers by giving them…


Minister-in-charge Kedar Kashyap reviewed the proposed program on completion of one year of Vishnudev government

Raipur. Minister in charge and Forest Minister Kedar Kashyap today reviewed the proposed program organized at Science College on the…


70 Naxal violence affected people received appointment orders in various departments from Chief Minister Vishnudev Sai

Bijapur. Chief Minister Vishnu Dev Sai made several important announcements for the development of the region along with announcing to…


Vishnudev Sai taking cabinet meeting

Raipur raipur news. A cabinet meeting chaired by Chief Minister Vishnudev Sai is being held today at the Mahanadi Bhawan…


CM Vishnudev Sai expressed grief over the death of three Kanwariyas

CM Vishnudev Sai has expressed grief over the death of three Kanwariyas. And wrote in the post, sad news is…


Cabinet meeting begins in Mantralaya Bhawan under the chairmanship of Vishnudev Sai

Raipur raipur news. The Cabinet Meeting is going on in the Ministry Mahanadi Bhawan under the chairmanship of Chief Minister…


Chief Minister Vishnudev Sai distributed genetic cards to sickle cell patients

Raipur. Chief Minister Vishnudev Sai distributed genetic cards to sickle cell patients. The Chief Minister released a booklet in Haldi…

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