Pilibhit: After a minor quarrel in the family, a labourer took a suicidal step. He committed suicide by hanging himself in his own room by making a noose of sari. The next day, when the body was found hanging from the noose, there was chaos in the family. The Newaria police has sent the body for postmortem and started investigation.
32-year-old Amarpal son of Tilakram, a resident of village Purva Vasantapur of Newaria police station area, used to work as a labourer. On Tuesday late evening, after reaching home in a drunken state, he had a minor quarrel with his wife Somvati. After having dinner at night, everyone went to sleep in the rooms.
At some point in the night, Amarpal made a noose of sari and hanged himself in the room. On Wednesday morning, when the family members woke up and reached the room, they were shocked to see Amarpal’s body hanging from the noose. There was screaming and crying in the family. All the people around gathered. The police was informed about this. Newaria police gathered information by inspecting the spot.