National Liberation Front of Tripura and All Tripura Tiger Force declared ‘unlawful associations’

New Delhi: The National Liberation Front of Tripura (NLFT) and the All Tripura Tiger Force (ATTF) have been declared as ‘unlawful associations’. Government of India made it clear in a Notification issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs on Tuesday.The Central Govt is of the opinion that the NLFT and the ATTF have been killing civilians and personnel belonging to the police and security forces.Also, NLFT and ATTF have been ‘establishing and maintaining camps in neighbouring countries for the purpose of safe sanctuary, training, procurement of arms and ammunitions etc’, therefore the Central Govt declared NLFT and ATTF along with all its factions, wings and front organisations as unlawful associations, said the notice.
The Central Govt is also of the opinion that if there is no curb and control of the NLFT and ATTF they will take the opportunity to mobilise their cadres for escalating their secessionists, subversive and violent activities.As per the notification, the said Act, have effect from 3rd October, 2023 for a period of five years.