Janjgir: Till now there have been incidents of theft of gold, silver jewelery and cash. But now a different kind of theft took place. The thief broke the lock of Pamgarh Tehsil office, he also knew that gold, silver jewelery and cash would not be found there, but he found a computer system there but he did not take it either. He stole important revenue related documents kept there. According to the police, on Monday night, an unknown thief broke the lock of the Tehsil office operating on Bilaspur-Shivrinarayan Main Road and entered inside.
Before entering, the clever thief had switched off all the CCTVs installed in the tehsil premises. After this, the thieves one after the other broke the locks of the rooms of the three main offices where important records were likely to be kept and searched them. Information about theft in Tehsil reached Pune on August 29 to open the office, then the lock of the premises was broken. Pune informed this to other employees, after which a complaint was made to the Pamgarh police.
Naib Nazir Omprakash Yadav, posted in Pamgarh tehsil, said that the computer systems and other items installed in the premises were safe but the locks of the rooms were broken and the items were scattered inside. Some important documents from the office are feared to be taken away by the thief. After the theft incident, the Pamgarh police have registered an offense under section 457 against unknown charges.