Those who take money in the name of constable recruitment should be careful, SP Jitendra Shukla warned

Durg. Durg. After 10 years, Durg police has made preparations for the recruitment of constables to be held in Durg division from 16th November. Preparations have been completed in the First Battalion of Bhilai for document verification, physical test and measurement of more than 76 thousand candidates participating in the recruitment. Here, Durg SP Jitendra Shukla said that while extensive preparations have been made by the police department for the recruitment, helpline numbers have also been issued to crack down on those who cheat and extort money in the name of jobs. These include the numbers of SPs and CSPs of all three districts including IG Ram Gopal Garg.
SP Jitendra Shukla said that if anyone asks for money in the name of a job or talks about getting a job, then the candidates can directly call on these helpline numbers. He also said that if anyone has made a transaction, action will be taken not only against the person who took the money but also against the candidate who gave the money. He said that not only will action be taken against the candidate who pays the money, but he will also not be eligible for any government job in future. Let us tell you that Durg, Balod and Bemetara districts are facing shortage of police force. The police of the three districts will become stronger with the recruitment of constables, trade and drivers on more than 500 posts.