PUDUCHERRY: A legislator belonging to Bharatiya Janata party (BJP), a constituent of the ruling AINRC led NDA government here and another independent MLA staged protest at the entrance of Puducherry Legislative Assembly on Wednesday against the alleged “irresponsive stand of Revenue Department” in sanctioning house pattas to the people in their respective constituencies.
The BJP MLA P M L Kalyanasundaram was joined by independent member P Angalane.
Kalyanasundaram alleged that the District Collector was “inaccessible” to him to make representations of the grievances of the people in his Kalapet constituency.
Angalane elected from Thirubuvanai (reserved) constituency also alleged that “house site pattas were not sanctioned to the poor in his constituency.”
The agitation began before the commencement of the House proceedings.
Speaker R Selvam who arrived at the Assembly held discussions with the two legislators following which they called off their protest. They later participated in the House proceedings.