THRISSUR: Years of effort and constant struggle had paid off for transgender writer Vijayarajamallika when the Mahatma Gandhi University included her intersex lullaby in its syllabus for the BA (Hons) English course. As she shared her happiness with friends, Mallika considered it a revolutionary step in the higher education field of Kerala.
“When a transgender writes, it is more like an awakening song for society. In that sense, when my writings have been included in the syllabus for universities, it gives me immense pride as I’m sure it will reach the people through the students,” Mallika said.
Beginning with the words ‘Aanalla Pennalla Kanmani Nee’ (Neither a boy, nor a girl, you are my precious honeydrop), the intersex lullaby penned by Mallika remains an important work, as it also speaks a politics beyond the binary concepts prevailing in society.
“The intersex lullaby holds a special place in my heart. What inspired me to write the poem was the words of Chinchu Aswathy aka Aswathy Rajappan’s mother that she had given birth to all identities in nature, not just boy and girl. Like her, the change should start from each mother. It will then reflect in society,” Mallika added.
Another of Vijayarajamallika’s poems — ‘Pipinchodu’, from the book ‘Mulamulakkatha Marile Kuthirapanthayangal’ — has been included in the BA (Hons) Malayalam syllabus. Her autobiographical work — ‘Mallika Vasantham’ — has found a place in the syllabus of Calicut University’s department of Russian and Comparative Literature. ‘Meine Tumhara Kya Bigada Hein’, one of her poems translated into Hindi by Suma S, has also been included in the BA Hindi syllabus of Kerala University.
Mallika is optimistic that the inclusive step by prominent universities in Kerala will prove an inspiration for more people, not only intersex or queer but also others, to write from their own identity.
“I hope this is just a beginning and more such inclusive initiatives will happen in the future,” she added.
Vijayarajamallika had won the Swami Vivekananda Yuva Puraskaram instituted by the state government’s Youth Welfare Board in 2019 for ‘Mallika Vasantham’.