Margao: Colva villagers unanimously protested against the proposed paid parking at Colva Beach in an extraordinary gram sabha held on Thursday. The villagers expressed happiness over the change in their lives, while minimizing the adverse impact on commercial activities, fishing community and amenity of local residents and tourists.
Colva village panchayat expressed its full support towards the villagers and decided to launch a campaign against the companies against the government’s decision to implement paid parking. Benaulim MLA Venji Viegas, who was present at the meeting, announced plans to meet the minister principal to discuss the issue and encourage the government to de-notify the paid parking scheme.
Villagers stressed the abandoned condition of Colva beach despite being declared a symbolic beach, and cited inadequate infrastructure, such as poor condition of roads leading to the beach. Asked the government to prioritize development of adequate infrastructure before implementing paid parking.
Ulisio Gomes, a villager, highlighted the potential disruptions caused by the proposed paid parking for fishing communities who regularly visit the beach for their activities. Owners of goods and various business activities, who may be facing losses due to other reasons, will be seen even more affected. Sarpanch Suji Fernandes confirmed the Panchayat’s full support to the villagers’ opposition to paid parking.
“The government notification does not mention parking arrangements and hence this will apply to local people also. We fear that tourists and locals coming to the beach of Colva from far-flung areas are prevented from coming to the beach to avoid tariffs, resulting in commercial activities”, he said.
He also said the parking rates are unacceptable even for residents who habitually go to the beach.
“No, it is not fair to impose rates on people to be able to achieve recovery. Colva is suffering from traffic congestion and this will be an additional burden. The provision of paid parking will also generate more corruption and deprive residents of the freedom to go to the beach”, said Deputy Wenzie Viegas.