It is very important to be confident to achieve something in life. For confidence, positive thoughts and good thinking are necessary. At the same time, many currencies can also help you in this. Doing mudra keeps physical and mental health good. There are many postures that can improve your health. Some postures are also very good for the fertile health of women. Here we are telling you about a posture which not only strengthens self-confidence but also has many other benefits. This posture is beneficial for controlling the flow of energy in the body. Many powerful and big personalities also do this posture. This is called Uttarabodhi Mudra (Awakening Mudra). Ayurvedic doctor Jeetu Ramachandran is telling us about how this mudra is beneficial in increasing self-confidence and what is the correct way to do it. Uttarabodhi Mudra Uttarabodhi Mudra is also called the mudra of enlightenment. This mudra is also considered very good for gut health. Apart from this, people who do mental work should also do this mudra. This mudra is also very effective in breathing problems. This posture creates consciousness inside you. While remaining in this posture, you are able to understand the things around you better. This also improves concentration. If you are confused in thoughts, then this mudra can give you relief from confusion. By doing this mudra depression also goes away. This posture also improves your creativity. If you feel disoriented, practice this posture. How to do Uttarabodhi Mudra Spread and trap your index finger and thumb. To do this mudra, first interlace the fingers of both your hands. Place the thumb towards the bottom key and the index finger towards the top. Keep your hands near the navel. You can practice this posture for 10-15 minutes daily. If you have any health related problem, let us know in the comment box given below the article. We will try to solve your problem through our articles.