Time to offer water to Sun: Sun has been given the status of a deity since mythological times. Among the Panchadevas, Surya is the only deity whose physical form can be seen. It is believed that those who offer water to the Sun God daily get wealth, virtues, happiness, fortune and prestige. In Hindu religion it is also believed that fasting should start at the time of sunrise. There is a fixed time to offer water to the Sun and only then this worship becomes fruitful. So know the time to offer water to the Sun.
Appropriate time to offer water to Sun (Surya Arghya Sama): According to Rigveda, Arghya should be offered within 1 hour of sunrise, because during this time the Sun God is in a calm nature. At this time, the rays of the sun free the seeker from diseases and along with this he also gets success in work, increase in self-confidence and blessings of the king. If the sun is strong or stinging then even giving water is of no use and worship also does not yield any results.
Religious importance of Sun worship: According to astrology, Sun God is considered the king of all the planets. It can be seen from ancient times that not only humans but also gods used to start their daily routine only after worshiping the Sun. Before going to Lanka, Lord Shri Ram also worshiped the Sun by offering water to him. In Vishwa Purana, Shri Krishna explains the importance of Sun worship to his son. Shri Krishna’s son Samb was also able to get relief from leprosy only by worshiping the Sun. Many sages have attained divine knowledge by worshiping the Sun.
Importance of Sun worship in astrology: According to astrology, Sun is considered to be the first planet among the nine planets and the lord of the feelings and actions of the father. For special benefits in the relationship between father and son, the son should do Surya Sadhana. By the grace of Sun God, the influence of planets having negative influence in the horoscope gets reduced. By offering water to the Sun, bad deeds go away. Leadership ability increases and the possibility of getting royal happiness increases.