In the year 2023, Sita Navami festival will be celebrated on Friday, 29 April 2023. Sita Navami is celebrated every year on Shukla Navami date of Vaishakh month. This day is also known as Janaki Navami festival. It is an important festival of Hindus and on this day Mother Sita and Lord Shri Ram are worshipped. Let’s know the birth story of Mother Sita-
Mother Sita appeared in Tretayuga on the ninth date of Vaishakh Shukla Paksha. According to mythological scriptures, in the afternoon of Pushya Nakshatra, when Maharaja Janak was plowing the land to prepare the land for Yagya with the wish of getting a child, at the same time a girl child appeared from the earth. The plowed land and the tip of the plow are also called ‘Sita’, hence the girl was named ‘Sita’. Hence this festival is also called ‘Janaki Navami’. It is believed that the person who fasts on this day and worships Ram-Sita according to the rules and regulations, he gets the fruit of 16 great donations, the fruit of earth donation and the fruit of visiting all the pilgrimages.
According to the legend of Sita Navami, a Vedist best Dharmadhurin Brahmin used to reside in Marwar region. His name was Devadatta. That Brahmin had a very beautiful and proud wife, her name was Shobhana. The Brahmin gods had gone from their village to some other village for alms for livelihood. Here the brahmin got trapped in bad company and indulged in adultery.
Now the whole village started talking about his reprehensible deed. But that rascal burnt the village itself. When that ill-mannered person who was engaged in misdeeds died, his next birth took place in the house of a Chandal. By abandoning her husband, she became Chandalini, by burning the village, she got severe leprosy and due to adultery, she also became blind. He had to bear the fruits of his actions. In this way, due to the sum of her deeds, she started wandering in the country and abroad, getting severe pain day by day.
Once by accident she reached Kaushalpuri while wandering. Coincidentally, that day was the ninth date of Vaishakh month, Shukla Paksha, which is capable of destroying all sins.
On the auspicious festival of Sita (Janaki) Navami, that sorrowful woman who was distraught with hunger and thirst started praying like this – O gentlemen! Kindly provide me some food items. I am dying of hunger – saying this, the woman entered the Sri Kanak Bhavan after passing through a thousand flower-studded pillars built in front of it. He called out again – Brother! Somebody help me – give me some food.
Meanwhile, a devotee said to her – Devi! Today is Sita Navami, the one who gives food in food feels guilty, that is why food will not be available today. Come tomorrow at the time of Parana, Thakur ji’s Prasad will be full, but she did not agree. On saying more, the devotee provided him Tulsi and water. That sinner died of hunger. But unknowingly on this pretext, the fast of Sita Navami was completed.
Now the Supreme Kripalini has freed him from all sins. With the effect of this fast, she became pure from sin and lived blissfully in heaven for infinite years. After that, she became famous as Kama Kala, the queen of Maharaj Jaisingh of Kamrup country. Jatismra That great Sadhvi built many temples in her kingdom, in which Janaki-Raghunath was consecrated.
Therefore, the devotees who worship Mother Sita on Sita Navami, they get all kinds of happiness and good luck. Reciting Janaki Stotra, Ramchandrashtakam, Ramcharit Manas etc. on this day, all the sufferings of man go away. On this day it is beneficial to pronounce the auspicious names of Mother Sita ‘Shri Sitaye Namah’ and ‘Shri Sita-Ramay Namah’.