Operations on Chhattisgarh-Vishakhapatnam railway route still affected

Raipur: Movement of trains on Chhattisgarh-Vishakhapatnam rail route has been stopped for four days. KK (Kirandul-Kottavalasa) between Manabar and Jarti railway stations in Odisha was hit by a landslide on September 24. This route has not been restored yet, due to which more than 5 passenger trains and goods trains have been affected.
The work of removing debris is being done with the help of more than 25 Poklanes and JCB. More than 300 laborers and employees are engaged in work. Officials claim that it may take another 2 to 3 days for the road to be restored. Every day 4 to 5 passenger trains run on the affected track. Which includes Kirandul-Vishakhapatnam Passenger and Night Express, Samleshwari Express, Rourkela-Jagdalpur Express, Hirakhand Express and others running from Kirandul to Visakhapatnam.