Raipur. The accused, who were operating betting using the IDs of Wood 777 and James 777 online betting websites, have been arrested. According to the information, Anti Crime and Cyber Unit team received information that a person with ID was found near Bharat Mata Chowk under Gudhiyari police station area. He is conducting betting from mobile phone. On which Additional Superintendent of Police City Lakhan Patle, Additional Superintendent of Police Crime Pitambar Patel, Nag Superintendent of Police Urla Avinash Mishra, Deputy Superintendent of Police Crime Dinesh Sinha, Incharge Anti Crime and Cyber Unit and Police Station Incharge Gudhiyari were directed to arrest the bookies red handed. . On which the joint team of Anti-Crime and Cyber Unit and police station i.e. Gudhiyari police went to the said place, identified the situation described by the informer, identified him and arrested him. During interrogation, the person revealed his name to be Paradhan Sahu, resident of Kabir Nagar, Raipur. On checking the mobile phone kept with him by the team members, the mobile phone ID was found. Was found to be carrying on betting, ID for carrying out betting. On inquiring about it, he asked Akash Aggarwal, the director of Mahamaya Traders based in Gogaon, to give him the ID for conducting online betting. Along with telling about receiving, other 02 persons Ram Gopal Jain and Rupesh Verma also got ID from Akash Aggarwal for betting operations. After receiving it, it was told how to conduct online betting. On which the team members also identified and caught Akash Aggarwal, Ram Gopal Jain and Rupesh Sharma and after checking the mobile phones kept with them, they found the IDs of failed online betting website Wood 777 and James 777. Found to be operating with.
ID for online betting operations. Online betting ID was obtained from the accused Akash Aggarwal who supplied it. On inquiring regarding this, he obtained the ID from Ashish Vaswani, resident of Gudhiyari, for online betting operation and sale. The payment was told to be made to his employee named Akash Khatwani, resident of Devendra Nagar. On which Akash Khatwani was also traced and caught by the team members. All the accused were arrested and 05 mobile phones and cash amount of Rs. 50,000/- worth approximately Rs. 2,00,000/- were seized from their possession. Crime number 460/23 Chhattisgarh was registered against the accused in police station Gudhiyari. An offense under Section 7 of the Gambling Prohibition Act was registered and action was taken. The accused Ashish Vaswani is absconding in the case, every possible effort is being made to trace him and arrest him. Similarly, under the leadership of station in-charge Tilda Nevra, the I.D. Crime number 458/23 in Chhattisgarh police station against accused Manoj Soni, father of Jugal Soni, resident of BNB School and Tilda Nevra, accused of running online betting. Crime under sections 07 and 08 of the Gambling Prohibition Act has been registered and action has been taken.
Arrested accused (in the case of Gudhiyari police station)
- Paradhan Sahu, father Tilak Ram Sahu, age 38 years, resident of Atal Awas Police Station Kabir Nagar Raipur.
- Rupesh Kumar Verma, father Bhagwati Verma, age 29 years, resident of Vikas Nagar police station Gudhiyari Raipur.
- Ramgopal Jain, father Sushil Jain, resident of Kota, police station Saraswati Nagar Raipur.
- Akash Aggarwal Father Late. Suresh Aggarwal age 24 years resident Gokul Tower Road Gogaon police station Gudhiyari Raipur.
- Akash Khatwani Father Late. Ramesh Khatwani, age 24 years, resident of Fafadih, near New Jain Temple, police station Devendra Nagar Raipur.
Arrested accused (in the case of Tilda Nevra police station) - Manoj Soni, father Jugal Soni, resident of BNB School, police station Tilda Nevra.