Expensive Trains in India: Apart from the common trains, Indian Railways also runs many such trains which are no less than a palace. The fare of these trains is not in thousands but in lakhs.
Most Expensive Trains in India: Trains are an integral and essential part of the lives of common people. Indian Railways is still the biggest means of cheap travel for the common people, but do you know that this Railways also runs many such trains, whose fares run into lakhs.
These trains are no less than a five star hotel. When you step inside these trains, you will be reminded of a luxurious hotel. We are telling you about the four most expensive trains of India.
Maharaja Express is the most expensive train in India. As its name suggests, passengers enjoy many luxury amenities. This train is divided into four categories. If you travel by train for 7 days, you can pay up to Rs 21 lakh for a Presidential Suite.
Only 88 passengers can travel together in 12 coaches of Maharaja Express. Through this train, you can travel from Delhi to many places in Rajasthan like Jaipur, Udaipur, Jodhpur, Varanasi, Mumbai. If you travel in a deluxe cabin, you will have to spend at least Rs 6.50 lakh.
Palace on Wheels is the second most expensive train in India. With this train you will get a chance to travel to Agra and Rajasthan. For a 7-day journey in this train, you may have to spend at least Rs 4.8 lakh and for a super deluxe room, you may have to spend up to Rs 13 lakh.
If you want to travel to South India then Golden Chariot Train is the best option for it. With this royal train, you will be able to travel to places like Bengaluru, Mysore, Hampi, Badami, Goa, Mahabalipuram, Kochi. To travel in this train you will have to pay Rs 2 lakh to Rs 5 lakh.
Deccan Odyssey train is also included in the list of most expensive trains of India. From Mumbai this train returns to Mumbai via Ratnagiri, Goa, Belgaum, Kolhapur, Pune, Nashik, Aurangabad, Ajanta Ellora. The fare for the deluxe cabin of this train can be up to Rs 9 lakh. The rent of the Presidential Suite is around Rs 15 lakh.