Pratapgarh: On Saturday, in a village of Pratapgarh Nagar Kotwali area, a young man who came on a bike entered the house and attacked a girl, her mother and sister-in-law with a knife and seriously injured her. Due to multiple blows on everyone, blood spread all over the house. Hearing the screams, people nearby caught the accused. He was tied to a tree and beaten brutally. Police reached the spot and brought everyone to the medical college.
A young man reached a person’s house in a village of Prithviganj police post area on Saturday afternoon at around 11.15 pm on a bike. He entered the house and attacked his daughter (28), daughter-in-law (35) and wife (65) present inside with a knife. The women kept screaming and he kept attacking with the knife. Hearing the screams of the women, nearby people arrived and caught hold of the accused and started beating him. They also tied him to a tree and beat him. He was not revealing his name and address.
On information, two ambulances along with policemen of Prithviganj post also reached. The police took the three injured women to the medical college in one ambulance and the accused to the medical college in the other. In the medical college, the accused told that he is Dharmendra Pal, resident of Birapur, Fatanpur. City Kotwal Satyendra Singh also interrogated the accused in the medical college. Kotwal told that the accused also used to run a paan shop in Pune along with the brother of the injured girl. There both of them became friends. In 2014, the accused had come to the wedding of the girl’s brother. All the injured are out of danger. Action will be taken upon receiving the complaint.
When the accused attacker did not reveal his name and address, people started checking his bike number on the RTO app. The bike was purchased in 2016 in the name of Gomti Devi. Although his address was not written on the app. After the insurance ended in 2017, it was not renewed. On October 22, 2023, a challan of Rs 22 thousand was issued on his bike. After identifying the accused, it was revealed that Gomti Devi was his mother’s name.
The accused who attacked the women in the house with a knife turned out to be a crazy lover. He had also come secretly at night two months ago but ran away when he heard the noise of a thief. The reason for the attack became clear from the recording of the conversation present in his mobile. Dharmendra Pal, resident of Birapur, accused of attacking women, is married. While visiting home continuously for ten years, he started talking to a woman. Two months ago he entered the house at night. When the people of the house woke up and raised an alarm, he ran away. However, he later talked to the woman about it. Recording of the conversation was also found in Dharmendra’s mobile. During the conversation, the woman is hurling abuses at Dharmendra. Kept threatening to enter the house at night.