Ambikapur. Kotwali police team has arrested the accused in the case of circulating fake notes in the post office. An attempt was made by the accused to deliberately mix fake notes with genuine notes and spend them in the post office. 58 fake notes of Rs 500 each and the two-wheeler used in the incident, Rs 102000/- in cash, a mobile, a passbook, a deposit slip were seized from the possession of the accused. The accused said that the said fake note was received from a person from Jharkhand, whose verification is being done in advance in the case. According to the police, Manoj Kumar Pandey, Naib Post Master, Head Post Office, Ambikapur, came to the police station on May 14 and lodged a report that Kapil Giri, a customer in the head post office, whose account is operated in the post office, had come to the post office to deposit cash in his account, and the deposit The slip was given to the cashier to deposit one lakh rupees in cash in the account. When the cashier counted the cash, a total of 58 notes of Rs 500 each were found to be fake.
The information of which was given to the applicant by the cashier. On seeing the said note by Naib Post Master on information, it appeared to be a fake note and the said 58 pieces of fake notes were also separated by the counting machine, which the account holder Kapil Giri Turiyabira Lundra deliberately counterfeited and identified the said 58 pieces of fake notes as real ones. An attempt has been made to spend it by mixing it with the notes. On the report of the applicant, section 489-(b) (c) of IPC was registered in the police station. The crime was registered and taken under investigation. The police team caught the accused Kapil Giri and interrogated him. A few days ago, the accused said that he had received 58 fake notes of Rs 500 each after selling an old Hanuman imprint coin to a person from Jharkhand. After keeping the said fake notes in the house for a few days, the accused deliberately mixed 58 pieces of fake notes with real money and tried to spend it by filling a slip for depositing Rs 1 lakh in the post office Ambikapur and depositing it in his account. The police team seized 58 fake notes of Rs 500 each and a fake note worth Rs 29000/- from the possession of the accused, along with the two-wheeler used in the incident, Rs 102000/- in cash, a mobile, a passbook, a After the deposit slips were seized and evidence of crime was found against the accused, the accused was arrested and sent to judicial custody. After verifying the statement of the accused, advance investigation is being done in the case.